Wednesday, 28 November 2012

camp senses poem

     Thornton beach camp

Wobbling, blurring heat waves above the sand as I stretch out on the golden beach
The fresh, salty scent of the sea as I watch the waves crash to the sandy shore
The treacherous, strong wind rattling trees and bowling over tents
The luxuriously soft, wet sand squelching         between my water wrinkled toes as I dash up and down the beach collecting creamy white shells
Sweet, burning milo spread its tingling sensation across my tongue
 I think I just had the best camp ever.


This is a photo taken on our new playground we have spider web which we are on, a rock wall, two sets of monkey bars and lots of other cool stuff.

high jump

This is me doing high jump on athletics day I did not do very good on high jump but I got 4th in the 8oo meters for girls.

bio poem

Artistic, chocoholic, fidgety
Wishes to dance in the royal New Zealand ballet
Dreams of living in candy land
Wants to be a ballet teacher
Who wonders what animals would say if they could talk
Who fears getting stuck in a small tunnel
 Who is afraid of spiders
Who likes chocolate
Who believes you should try until  you succeed
Who loves my pets, family and  chocolate bunnies
Who plans to have my own ballet studio
I like myself I’m glad I’m me

Monday, 26 November 2012

war senses poem

The deathly red, orange flames of destruction light up the night sky.
The horrid stench of smoke and  rotting bodies
is all around me as I fire my gun.
The sound of gun shots in my  ears with a ringing
noise that overwhelms me and brings me to tears.
Eerie loneliness penetrating my thoughts but also the
tingling warmth of pride.
Rubbery bitterness of gun powder and ash that drifts through the air in constant streams  filling my lungs, leaving me breathless.
I think my struggle will pay off in time.


maori acrostic poem

Rau Aroha

mr hayes

visiting mr hayes a robbery victim (he looked a lot younger in the paper LOL.) I was one of the four that got to visit him we bought over a care package and left-over baking from the bake sale we did to rasie money.